
Easy file transfers to any meter-reading system with standard API format

eBilling &

Send bills via email with a single back click. Allow your customers to set their delivery preference.


Take credit card payments in person or online through FastGovPay.


Leverage web-based solution in field for service orders and meter reading

FundView Utility Billing provides integrated tools to manage new connections, meter changes, transfer, disconnects, billings and payments. Features include date-driven rate tables, prorated charges by date range and metered/non-metered services.

FundView Utility Billing is a web-based solution that seamlessly manages all phases of the billing process. Multiple metered and non-metered services, consolidated billing accounts, integrated service orders, deposit management,  penalties, fees, ACH/online payments and email bill distribution.

  • User-defined services and related rate schedules
  • Bank draft billing, credit card billing, online payments and integrated e-bills
  • Automated deposit management including transfer, application and refund
  • Dependent charge calculations based on usage
  • Share common property/contact master files with all land based FundView solutions
  • Comprenhensive reporting including usage, payments, penalties and deposits

What Our Customers Are Saying

“FundView has simplified our workflow to the point where we can dedicate more time to the customer. The software is so powerful it allows us to easily process payments, manage customer data, and report faster than before, it has truly cut down our workload. FundView has been very progressive and forward thinking when developing their software and it shows. We are very excited to see what’s to come in our future together.”

        Christian Lecroy, Utility Billing Supervisor, Sweetwater


Go Mobile with FundView!

FundView has been a fully browser-based software since it’s inception. We’ve taken that a step further…Read More…

Disaster Planning for Local Governments

End of summer brings a number of things to mind – back to school, Labor Day holidays, and preparing for cooler weather. It also brings on hurricane season, with tornadoes and flooding. Read more…

Using Fund-Based Accounting Software

City Hall Building

Why do local governments need fund-based software vs. inexpensive accounting software packages? Read more…

Managing Payroll Liabilites

Let your software do the work for you! Read more…

FundView is excited to attend the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas seminar April 14th – 16th at the Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Round Rock!